Waxflower – Crowea saligna is a small shrub up to a metre or more high. It has elliptic or lance-shaped leaves up to 80 mm long by 20 mm wide which are dotted with oil glands. Flowers are 5-petalled and usually range from pale to mid pink in colour. The flowers are usually quite large with some forms having flowers up to 45 mm diameter. They are usually seen in late summer through to mid winter.
Duranta e. Geisha Girl - 3.5Ltr
$26.95 incl. GST
Eucryphia x nymansensis Nymansay - PB6.5 / 8
$59.95 incl. GST
Crowea saligna – pb6.5 (20/30)
$18.95 incl. GST
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