Also known as African Scurf Pea. An evergreen shrub or small tree with feathery foliage is blanketed in late spring with fragrant, sweet pea-like violet blooms with white wings. Though it is native to streamsides, scurf pea do not require extravagant watering and survives occasional drought. May be grown in full sun or partial shade where soils are free-draining. May grow up to 4m in height.
Hibiscus Molly Cummings - 2.4Ltr
$49.95 incl. GST
Schima wallichii, Needlewood Tree - Pb18
$79.95 incl. GST
Psoralea pinnata, African Scurf Pea – 0.5L (120/150)
$49.95 incl. GST
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